Coordination, Information Sharing and Networking

PUNTNGO runs an information sharing platform and also provides dialogue, collaboration, learning experiences, and information sharing among the local NGOs in Puntland. PUNTNGO coordinates local NGO activities through its various meetings, platforms, and forums, while also increasing and opening more space for local NGOs participation in existing coordination mechanisms, especially for small and less represented NGOs and CBOs.

The PUNTNGO is responsible for the collection, processing, and dissemination of information, data, and publications concerning the activities and programs that are carried out by the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the state of Puntland in Somalia. Additionally, it makes sure that there is an efficient and transparent sharing of information that is pertinent to both its members and external stakeholders.

Additionally, PUNTNGO takes charge for the establishment of effective networking, coalitions, partnerships, and collaboration among the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Puntland, and between the NGOs and other actors. It accomplishes these by establishing connections, collaboration, and partnerships between the NGOs, the government, and other stakeholders.

PUNTNGO provides the following coordination mechanisms based on sectors in order to accomplish its aims of collaboration, partnership, and collective action. These mechanisms are designed to make the process of sharing information and coordinating activities easier and more coherent.

  • Humanitarian Partnership Group: The PUNTNGO members working on the humanitarian sector in Puntland are brought together under this Humanitarian Partnership Group. Through this coordination mechanism, they work together, coordinate their efforts, and connect with one another in order to provide life-saving services  to people who are affected by a crisis in regions of Puntland in Somalia that are difficult to access. These services include food, shelter, water, sanitation, medical care, education in times of emergency, and protection. The Humanitarian Partnership Group is primarily concerned with the humanitarian sector and is prepared to respond to crises in communities that have been affected by emergencies by utilizing their knowledge and experience in addition to the resources that are at their disposal.
  • Human Rights, Democracy, and Good Governance Group: The PUNTNGO members working on the governance, human rights, and democracy programs in Puntland are brought together under Human Rights, Democracy, and Good Governance Group. Within the framework of this coordination mechanism, they engage in activities such as working, coordinating, and connecting with one another in order to advance development projects that are based on the principles of justice, peace, good governance, human rights, gender equality and equity, and sustainable human development.
  • Development Group: The PUNTNGO members working on the development sector in Puntland are unified under the Development Group. Through the use of this coordination mechanism, they collaborate, communicate with one another, and coordinate their efforts to achieve coordinated and impactful developmental programs that improve the socioeconomic status of Puntland people in pursuit of sustainable development. They work on deepening the attainment and understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will hold advocacy sessions with government and private sector actors to make sure that the SDGs are sufficiently localized. They will organize seminars and events on “Know Your Goals” for the local communities, schools, and universities to make sure that the SDGs are well known and that every individual feels responsible for their implementation.
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About Us

Puntland NGO Network (PUNTNGO) is the umbrella body that brings together all registered local non-governmental and non-profit organizations operating in Puntland.tters observe outward resolve. Shutters ye marriage to throwing we as.

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