The Puntland NGO Network (PUNTNGO) is governed by the following structures, which are established under a constitution with the following roles and responsibilities:

General Assembly

The General Assembly, which consists of all of the network’s member organizations, has ultimate authority under the Puntland NGO Network’s (PUNTNGO) constitution. The General Assembly (GA) is the highest body of governance in the network. The General Assembly meeting is held every two (2) years, and during the meeting, members’ approval is requested on a number of key decisions linked to administrative, financial, organizational, and strategic issues, including reviewing the constitution when appropriate. In addition to electing the members of the Board of Directors, members vote on the approval of new members of the network.

The high level of participation in its membership shows the great commitment of PUNTNGO members to their network.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD) is the second-highest governance structure in the network and is elected at the General Assembly for a two-year term, subject to a second-year term. The Board is responsible for providing policy guidance, initiating policy formulation or review, and providing oversight to the Secretariat or Executive Committee of the network. The PUNTNGO Board of Directors gives guidance on the activities of the network, oversees the management of the association, ensures that the network adheres to its strategy and overall vision, and represents the diversity of the PUNTNGO membership. The board members commit to acting on behalf of PUNTNGO in the best interest of all members and to promoting the added value of NGOs working in the state of Puntland in Somalia. The PUNTNGO General Assembly elects the Board, which then reports to it and makes recommendations on the network’s major developments, including its overall strategy, policy and advocacy, membership, and finances. It is made up of a maximum of nine members who work without any compensation whatsoever. They consist of the chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretariat, treasurer, and so on. The mandate is for two years, renewable once consecutively.

Executive Committee/Secretariat

The secretariat, or executive committee, runs the day-to-day operations of the network and puts the vision determined by the Board of Directors into operation. They are also in charge of the financial management of the network, under the supervision and general control of the Board of Directors. They consist of the executive director, senior officers, and subordinates and are led by the executive director, who is the highest officer responsible for the overall operations of the network.

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About Us

Puntland NGO Network (PUNTNGO) is the umbrella body that brings together all registered local non-governmental and non-profit organizations operating in Puntland.tters observe outward resolve. Shutters ye marriage to throwing we as.

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