PUNTNGO provides a scope of services that are provided to its members but these are broadly:
  1. Representation, Collective Voice, and Solidarity: PUNTNGO stands as a unifying organ for all local NGOs in Puntland, championing and defending the rights of local NGOs in all matters.
  2. Information Sharing, Networking, and Communication: PUNTNGO runs an information sharing platform and also provides dialogue, collaboration, learning experiences, and information sharing among the local NGOs in Puntland. It exists to ensure that there is effective and transparent sharing of information relevant to both its members and external stakeholders.
  3. Coordination: PUNTNGO coordinates local NGO activities through its various meetings, platforms, and forums, while also increasing and opening more space for local NGOs participation in existing coordination mechanisms, especially for small and less represented NGOs and CBOs.
  4. Resource Mobilization and Fundraising: PUNTNGO facilitates access to more direct funding for national and local actors in Puntland and equal distribution of resources among its members. and increasing Somali-led local decision-making power and increased funding autonomy for local NGOs in Puntland.
  5. Policy, Advocacy, and Lobbying: PUNTNGO represents the interests of its members in external meetings, policy discussions, advocacy meetings and documents, and lobbying on issues of common interest. And also engage and influence the government and other stakeholders on issues of concern to NGOs.
  6. Local NGO Development: PUNTNGO is committed to the development and capacity building of local NGOs through skills and knowledge transfer, institutional building, specialized technical advice and support, as well as engagement with INGOs and donors to this end.

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About Us

Puntland NGO Network (PUNTNGO) is the umbrella body that brings together all registered local non-governmental and non-profit organizations operating in Puntland.tters observe outward resolve. Shutters ye marriage to throwing we as.

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